Revising history by removing the names of perceived racists from buildings and parks is all the rage these days. You can’t undo the wrongs of the past by changing the present, but that hasn’t stopped the hysterical left from trying.

Confederate monuments have been destroyed and anyone who was an old white man has had his named stripped from public spaces. Then there’s African American HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson. The city of Detroit is looking to remove his name from a public high school. Carson didn’t fight for the Confederacy, nor did he own slaves, but he is a member of the Trump administration and that’s problematic for liberals.
Ben Carson was born to a single mother and raised in the projects of Detroit. Despite all of the disadvantages, he worked hard and became a world-renowned neurosurgeon. He is a genuine success story and a true inspiration. He is living proof that hard work and perseverance can overcome anything. Because of this, Detroit named a high school after him, but now they want to take it back.
The Detroit Free Press reports that not everyone in Detroit is happy that the Benjamin Carson High School of Science and Medicine exists. On Tuesday, the Detroit Board of Education approved a process that would allow them to change the names of the city’s public schools. School board member LaMar Lemmons is pushing hard to get the name removed from the school and cited Carson’s position in the Trump administration as the reason.
Yes, Ben Carson is black, but he’s also a Republican and President Donald Trump’s Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Trump is considered to be the most racist person whoever lived by lunatics on the left, so even being associated with him is enough to make Carson a racist in liberal eyes.
Let that sink in for a moment: Detroit wants to wipe Ben Carson’s name from a building because the city thinks one of their most successful sons is a black anti-black racist.
The school was named for Carson before he joined the Trump administration and at a time when the city was under emergency management due to rampant corruption at city hall. This is Detroit’s way of saying if they knew Carson would one day be associated with Donald Trump that they would have never named a school after him in the first place.
This move against successful black men runs deeper as the Frederick Douglass Academy is also slated for a name change. The anti-slavery orator is one of the most famous and revered African Americans in history but, like Carson, Douglass suffers from rampant Republicanism. Frederick Douglass was a Republican, and clearly, Detroit equates the GOP with racism, so he has to go too.
Interestingly enough, black people seem to have forgotten the racist history of the Democratic Party and have a cult-like attachment to the donkeys. Those hood-wearing lynching racists who formed the KKK were all Democrats. Those segregating “whites only” oppressors of the South were all Democrats. Republicans died to abolish slavery, Republicans did abolish slavery, and Republicans fought for the passage of the Civil Rights Act, but yeah, Republicans are totally the real racists.
Detroit is considering renaming at least one of these schools after the late great Aretha Franklin. The city is also home to culturally appropriating white rappers Eminem, Kid Rock, and The Insane Clown Posse. If they are going to ditch successful black men for being racist, it stands to reason they would replace them with some white guys who pretend to be black. “The Juggalo Arts And Science Academy” has a nice ring to it.