A Chicago pastor is coming under fire after kicking a man out of his church, which doesn’t sound like a very Christian thing to do. Apparently, the pastor was fed-up and this was the last straw, but did he go too far?

A pastor at a Chicago church stopped services to tell a man in drag to go home and “put on man clothes.” The Kansas City Star reports that on Sunday at the Power House International Ministries in Chicago, Pastor Antonio Rocquemore couldn’t quite focus on delivering the word of God because there was a man in drag sitting in the pews.
Eventually, the Pastor had to address the transgender elephant in the room. “Can you leave my church and go put on man clothes? And, don’t come here like that no more,” said Rocquemore. There were some murmurs of approval from the congregation.
“I hold a standard in here. Whatever you do on the outside is your business, but I will not let drag queens come in here. If you’re gonna come in here, you’re gonna dress like a man,” Rocquemore said.
The crowd cheered “Amen” and “thank you, Jesus.”
Rocquemore added that his salvation was too important to allow drag queens in his church because God was holding him accountable. “If I know that’s a man with a wig on, I’m gonna snatch that wig off because you gotta get up outta here,” Rocquemore said to more cheers.
Not all of the congregation was happy with the Pastor’s sermon, however. Someone named Christian James Lhuillier recorded the video and uploaded it to Facebook with some angry comments. While not confirmed, it appears as if this person could be the “man in the dress” Pastor Rocquemore was talking to.
“Some of y’all are going to have to excuse my language but I am tired of this sh*t. In a place that is supposed to be a place of change a place of deliverance whatever you want to call it why would you destroy someone in front of a room full of people. This is the kind of bullsh*t that causes people to go home and commit suicide. Sh*t like this is the reason that the church has no power in 2018 because they are so worried about the wrong things,” wrote Lhuillier.
That’s an interesting theory that the church has no power because it doesn’t accept the junk liberal science that says when a man puts on a dress he is magically transformed into a woman. Another more plausible explanation for the church’s waning influence is that too many people in the new generation would rather eat Tide Pods and complain that everything isn’t free than to go to church and feel the Holy Spirit.
In addition to having a skewed view on Christianity, Lhuillier is also violent and angry. “Hear me and hear me well I know a lot of you do not agree with the way that I live my life notice I didn’t say choose! I was made this way. If it makes you uncomfortable avoid me but keep your comments thoughts and prayers on that topic to yourself I don’t need them me and God are OK. I would have turned that church clean out do you hear me!” Lhuillier wrote.
That last line sure does sound like a threat, doesn’t it?
Pastor Rocquemore made a FaceBook video of his own in which he explained that the young man in drag was a regular member of the congregation who had been spoken to privately on several occasions about the inappropriateness of showing up to church in women’s clothing.
The Pastor went on to say this was not an anti-gay thing, but rather a dress code violation. For example, it wouldn’t be acceptable to show up to church in assless chaps, and he believes neither is men dressing as women.
No one should be denied the chance to come to Christ, but there is an expectation of appropriate behavior in the church. Where should one draw the line for what will be tolerated during services? Any Christian would want this young man to get closer to God, and that should be the ultimate goal of the pastor. If anyone needs Jesus, it would be the man struggling with his own identity because this is a guy in a crisis.