Fox News Interviews Migrant From Caravan, Shocked By What He Let Slip On Live TV

(Photo Credit: Ryan Saavedra/Twitter)

A Honduran migrant, who is traveling north with the massive caravan making its way to the U.S. border through Mexico, spoke with Fox News on Tuesday. You will be shocked by what he let slip on live television.

A Honduran named Nixon Hernandez speaks with Fox News. (Photo Credit: Screen Capture/Ryan Saavedra/Twitter)

Thousands of migrants are currently headed for the United States. Some 1,300 people left San Pedro Sula in northern Honduras last Saturday, in what some are calling the “March of the Migrant.” Over the weekend, that number increased to 7,000 people as the caravan swarmed over the southern Mexico border. New estimates cited by El Universal, a Mexican newspaper, say the caravan has now reached 14,000 people.

One of the most pressing concerns about the migrant caravan headed for the U.S. border is that it is full of unvetted, undocumented immigrants from countries where violent crime is rampant.

“Some of these people are hard criminals. Hardened criminals — not good people. These are some bad people coming through. These aren’t babies, these aren’t little angels coming into our country,” President Trump said on Friday. “These are hardened criminals. These are tough, tough people. I don’t want them in our country, and neither does our country want them in our country.”

Of course, the media vilified Trump for “assuming” that there are criminals in the caravan, but on Tuesday, one of the migrants himself confirmed as much. “Criminals are everywhere,” Honduran migrant Nixon Hernandez told Fox News. “It’s criminals in here. It is. But it is not that many. It is good people here trying to get through Mexico and then get to the United States. It doesn’t mean that everybody is a criminal.”

While there are undoubtedly “good people” traveling with the migrant caravan, it only takes a handful of bad eggs to make a major, irreversible impact. After all, the Boston Marathon bombing was carried out by just two people; the 9/11 attacks were perpetrated by only 19 men, yet still resulted in nearly 3,000 dead Americans.

According to The Daily Wire, Hernandez’s admission came just as Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials said Tuesday that there are “gang members” and people with “significant criminal histories” that are mixed in with the caravan.

“@DHSgov can confirm that there are individuals within the caravan who are gang members or have significant criminal histories,” Department spokesperson Tyler Houlton wrote on Twitter. “Citizens of countries outside Central America, including countries in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and elsewhere are currently traveling through Mexico toward the U.S.”

“Stopping the caravan is not just about national security or preventing crime, it is also about national sovereignty and the rule of law,” Houlton added. “Those who seek to come to America must do so the right and legal way.”

Indeed, we know that migrants from terror hotbeds have infiltrated the caravan. In a tweet posted Monday, independent reporter Sara Carter announced that people from India, Bangladesh, and Africa are part of the mob headed for the U.S. border. She made the startling discovery after searching through the throngs of immigrants herself in order to see exactly who was making the trek.

Adding to concerns is the fact that a whopping 80 percent of these migrants are grown men younger than the age of 35 — don’t let the mainstream media fool you into believing that the caravan is full of women and children. There are some women and children making the trek, but not many. The vast majority of the migrants are able-bodied men fully capable of holding a job and making a decent life in their home countries.

Are there dangerous criminals traveling with the migrant caravan headed for the U.S. border? Yes. Even those within the caravan admit as much. Make no mistake, this is a national security emergency.