Trump Arrives In Houston, Forced To Alter Venue After What Fans Did Night Before

Trump plans on speaking in Houston Monday night. (Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore/Flickr)

Only a week ago, President Donald Trump announced that he would attend a rally in Texas to support Senator Ted Cruz. Fans reacted quickly. Now, word has reached us that they needed to alter the venue, in reaction to what fans did the night before. Reports have many people concerned, most notably liberals.

President Donald Trump plans on speaking in Houston Monday night. (Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore/Flickr)

After two years, the Democrats had hoped the Trump train would slow down. They have hit us up with unrelenting negative coverage and fake news about the Commander-in-Chief. Scandals and conspiracies, even bogus articles about traitors in the White House, have surfaced. All are attempts to undermine voters’ confidence in the man they elected.

With midterms around the corner, Democrats were hoping for a win. They expected the upcoming elections to be a “referendum” on 2016. Maybe, just maybe, voters have “come to their senses,” they hoped. Then, the Democrats would wake up and realize that the last two years were just a bad dream and that Americans were done with Trump and willing to allow the corrupt swamp dwellers in the liberal party to drag us back to a day when 1% GDP was the best we could do.

That explains the unprecedented fake news, riots, violence, and hate spewed by the left in the last two years. But, if they thought any of that would have convinced red-blooded patriots to back down, they really were dreaming. And, last night was proof positive.

Over a day before Trump would arrive in Houston to support one-time rival Ted Cruz, fans have shown up in a big way.

Hundreds of President Trump’s supporters began lining up early Sunday morning for his Monday evening “Make America Great Again” rally in Houston.

The joint rally with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) doesn’t begin until 6 p.m., but by midnight the line stretched several city blocks, with the number of diehard fans then topping a thousand.

So many people lined up that organizers dropped off some portable toilets.

When the rally was first announced, tickets went within minutes and the demand grew so fast that the rally had to be moved to a much larger venue. At first, the rally was planned for the 8,000-seat NRG Arena, but Brad Parscale, Trump’s campaign manager, said Thursday that the rally was moved to the Toyota Center, home of the NBA’s Houston Rockets, which holds at least 18,000. [Source: The Daily Wire]

That’s only the start. By Saturday, requests for tickets was at a staggering 77,000. By Sunday evening, an epic 100,000 people were demanding seats to see President Trump speak on behalf of Sen. Cruz.

Right now, thousands of people are waiting in line for tonight’s rally. These are the kinds of numbers major rock bands experience at the start of a world tour. Apple used to see these kinds of lines when they released a new iPhone. This isn’t supposed to happen, two years into a president’s administration — at a rally for another candidate.

The media made a big deal about the popularity of Barack Obama in 2008. He packed stadiums when he ran for president; liberals would bend over backward to get a glimpse of him. But, did they have that same kind of enthusiasm years into his administration — after it was clear he let them down? I don’t think so.

It’s no mystery why so many Americans are braving the fall weather just to attend a Trump rally. Over the last few weeks, stadiums and venues across America have been packed with voters. Overflow rooms and seating has to be provided, so Americans can watch him on screens.

Americans have seen the success Trump has had. He’s actually making good on his promises. The economy is roaring to life. The president is scoring one win after another. Enthusiasm among Republicans has only grown since 2016. Compare that to the Democrats — whose only platform is unrestrained hatred for Trump, conservatives, and everything we believe in.

Democrats have systematically torched their party — from voting against tax cuts to organizing riots across the country to their shocking behavior at the Brett Kavanaugh hearings to now their silence over the 10,000-strong migrant caravan rushing to the U.S. If I were a Democrat, I’d be very worried right about now.