Trump Makes Stunning Announcement After Bomber Arrest, Even Dems Can’t Argue

President Donald Trump (left),

The suspect in a mail bombing spree targeting prominent Democrats has been identified. Cesar Altier Sayoc, 56, was taken into custody on Friday morning in Plantation, Florida in connection with the 12 suspicious packages that were discovered this week. Immediately, President Donald Trump made a stunning announcement. Even the Democrats can’t argue with this!

President Donald Trump (left), Cesar Altier Sayoc (right) (Photo Credit: Screen Capture/Washington Examiner/Twitter, Daily Mail)

Secret Service agents revealed on Wednesday that they had intercepted two suspicious packages en route to former President Barack Obama’s Washington, DC home and Hillary and Bill Clinton’s property in Chappaqua, New York. A short time later, a police bomb squad went to CNN’s offices in New York City and the newsroom was evacuated due to a suspicious package.

The crude devices were made of PVC tubing attached to a digital clock available for purchase on Amazon. They included sulfur as explosives and shards of glass as shrapnel, law enforcement officials said. The three devices targeting Obama, the Clintons, and CNN were similar to the small pipe bomb found at liberal billionaire donor George Soros’ New York home on Monday.

An explosive device was discovered in the mailbox of billionaire activist George Soros on Monday.

An employee at Soros’ Westchester County residence found the package while retrieving the mail. When the employee opened the package, they found “what appeared to be an explosive device,” according to the Bedford Police Department. The employee placed the suspicious package in the woods and called the police, around 3:45 pm.

Bomb squad technicians “proactively detonated” the device, and no one was hurt. Soros was not home when the package was discovered or detonated. [Source: The Daily Wire]

On Friday morning, 56-year-old Cesar Sayoc was taken into custody in connection with the suspicious packages. He was apprehended in Plantation, Florida.

President Donald Trump broke from the script before his speech at the Young Black Leadership Summit on the same day to speak about the arrest of the bombing suspect. Trump celebrated the arrest and hailed law enforcement for their tremendous efforts in taking the would-be bomber off the streets.

“It’s an incredible job by law enforcement,” said the president. “We’ve carried out a far-reaching federal, state, and local investigation to find the person or persons responsible for these events. These terrorizing acts are despicable and have no place in our country.”

“We must never allow political violence to take root in America,” added Trump. “In these times we have to unify, we have to come together.”

The president’s comments on Friday echoed the same sentiment as the remarks he made days earlier. “The safety of the American people is my highest and absolute priority,” Trump said. “In these times, we have to unify. We have to come together, and send one very clear, strong, unmistakable message that acts or threats of political violence of any kind have no place in the United States of America.”

Even the Democrats cannot argue with President Donald Trump’s message of unity in the wake of this week’s mail bomb ordeal. After all, when a deranged liberal opened fire on Republican lawmakers practicing for a charity baseball game last year, the Democrats also called for unity.

Many questions still remain about the suspicious packages allegedly sent by Cesar Sayoc. For starters, why did not a single one of them ever detonate? Was this whole thing meant to distract from something else, not to actually hurt anyone?

The timing of it all is certainly suspect, with the November midterms right around the corner. Hopefully, the answers to these questions and others will be revealed as the investigation into Sayoc deepens.