Barack & Michelle Trash Trump In 1st Netflix Movie, POTUS Is Ready To Hit Back

Barack and Michelle Obama were so excited to announce their big deal with Netflix a few months ago. Now, they are announcing their first Netflix project, and of course, it’s about President Donald Trump. Actually, it’s a hit piece on the president, meant to whip up leftists and confuse Americans who are on the fence about Trump and his administration. Luckily, President Trump is ready.

President Donald Trump (left), Barack Obama (middle), Michelle Obama (right) (Photo Credit: Mark Wilson/Getty Images, Alex Wong/Getty Images, Chip Somodevilla /Getty Images)

Barack and Michelle Obama are no different than other rabid leftists. They suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome. That’s why when they landed a big deal with Netflix in what is called a “story-telling partnership,” the former First Couple set their sights on President Donald Trump.

“Deadline has learned that Michael Lewis’ latest book The Fifth Risk has been acquired by Barack and Michelle Obama under their Netflix production deal for a possible series aimed to help people better understand the inner workings of the government,” reports Deadline.

So how does this leftist book trash Trump? Deadline adds, “The Fifth Risk, which hit shelves on Oct. 2 from W.W. Norton, follows the chaos and mismanagement that ensued in the departments of Energy, Agriculture, and Commerce in the handoff from President Barack Obama to President Donald Trump.”

In one blurb about his book, W.W. Norton said, “Michael Lewis’s brilliant narrative takes us into the engine rooms of a government under attack by its own leaders. In Agriculture, the funding of vital programs like food stamps and school lunches is being slashed.”

Oh no! Not the vital food stamps program. And school lunches are being slashed? Do they mean Michelle Obama’s failed program? Are these people kidding?

W.W. Norton said, “The Commerce Department may not have enough staff to conduct the 2020 Census properly. Over at Energy, where international nuclear risk is managed, it’s not clear there will be enough inspectors to track and locate black market uranium before terrorists do.”

Please, this is straight up fear-mongering. This is what liberals accuse conservatives of doing. In fact, if this Netflix project ever sees the light of day, we already know President Trump will be ready to slam them with bad news. Attacking President Trump’s administration is going to be a real tough sell.

The things that matter to Americans are jobs, security, and a bright future. Trump has given us the lowest unemployment rates since 1969. There are now more jobs than people to fill them. Compare that to this Netflix hit piece the Obamas are so excited to make. Are they really going to trash a president about his transition team who has the lowest unemployment rates and the best overall economy since 1969?

President Trump is a huge fan of the military and has made sure funding for our troops is happening. reports, “President Donald Trump went to Fort Drum in upstate New York on Monday to sign the nearly $717 billion National Defense Authorization Act, which includes a 2.6 percent military pay raise.”

National Security is also an area in which Trump outshines Obama. We have withdrawn from the crazy Iran Nuke Deal and moved our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. We have opened a dialogue with that dangerous dictator in North Korea and he has ceased blasting missiles. Did Obama do that?

What about the horrible NAFTA deal every president has vowed to do away with? Trump expertly put the pressure on Mexico and Canada after he withdrew from NAFTA. He then got them to the negotiating table, even though PM Justin Trudeau was kicking and screaming. Mexico had to agree to stop the huge tariffs, and now manufacturing companies are coming back to America. Canada also complied. We now have a new deal called USMC (United States-Mexico-Canada) in place of NAFTA.

Oh, but the transition team, right? The food stamps, the lunches. Or best yet, no one is watching the nukes. This is the garbage the Obamas think people will buy into?

The other bad news for the Obamas is that no one is going to watch their show. Only dedicated leftists who already oppose Trump will tune in. In about two tweets, President Trump can slam this Obama Netflix special so thoroughly, people will laugh. But hey, let the Barack and Michelle knock themselves out, we can’t stop them. Nor would we want to.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 61 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.