Army Veteran Explains What It’s Like To Be Tear-Gassed, Silences Trump’s Critics

On Sunday, U.S. agents deployed tear gas as hundreds of Central American migrants stormed the border near the San Ysidro port of entry in San Diego. It wasn’t long until bleeding-heart liberals began decrying the “evil” Trump administration for its “cruel” reaction to the migrants. However, an Army veteran has since revealed exactly what it’s like to be tear-gassed, silencing President Donald Trump’s critics.

Staff Sgt. Dominic Capizzi washes CS gas off his face. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army/Sgt. 1st Class Adam Stone)

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection in San Diego, California announced on Sunday morning that the San Ysidro port of entry going both northbound and southbound had been closed due to multiple planned demonstrations on both sides of the border. Additional personnel and resources were also deployed to the port of entry, and it’s a good thing, considering what unfolded the very same day.

Roughly 5,000 migrants were camped out in Tijuana as of this weekend hoping to enter the United States one way or another. On Sunday, they apparently got tired of waiting to do so legally and hundreds pushed past Mexican riot police and rushed toward the U.S. border in an attempt to infiltrate our country. They were met with a surprise, however, when tear gas was fired from the U.S. side of the border.

Of course, the mainstream media and the political left immediately jumped on this, flashing pictures of a mother running away with her children and insinuating that the migrants were in some sort of grave danger. But that could not have been further from the truth. Take it from a third generation Army veteran who was tear gassed in a cramped, confined space without access to fresh air.

“I was tear-gassed, along with about 60 of my closest friends, in an enclosed space about 20 years ago,” explained Army veteran Virginia Kruta. “I was marched, along with the 59 other members of Echo Company, 2/60th Infantry Battalion, into a room. The room — barely big enough for the 60 of us — was dark, the windows were tiny and sealed, and the doors were closed.”

“In the center of the room was a small table with only one thing on it: a sinister looking cylindrical grenade labeled ‘CS.’ The Drill Sergeant gave an exaggerated wink as he pulled the pin and waited,” she continued.

“My eyes began to water. My nose began to run. My throat felt raw. The temptation to rub my eyes was almost unbearable — but we had been warned that would only make it worse, so I restrained myself,” wrote Kruta.

She noted that her experience wasn’t fun or comfortable in the least, but it also wasn’t even remotely deadly. It was, however, “one hell of a deterrent,” according to the Army veteran.

“My eyes cleared after 5 minutes. My nose and throat were back to normal in 15 minutes. And remember, we were exposed in an enclosed space. Tear gas deployed in the open air— as it was at the border — disperses much more quickly.”

Those who have exaggerated the effects of tear gas on the caravan migrants over the weekend are either ignorant or willing to lie in order to perpetuate their narrative, and neither one of those options is particularly positive. If they’re so ill-informed that they actually believe the tear gas threatened the migrants’ lives, they shouldn’t be commenting on the issue. The effects of tear gas are neither long-lasting nor deadly, yet they insist that this was an unreasonable response by the U.S.

The ones who were truly in danger this weekend were the U.S. authorities who stood their ground, even as violent migrants hurled rocks and other projectiles their way. It is absolutely reprehensible to suggest that the migrants attempting to infiltrate our country illegally were the ones who were victimized.

About That Conservative Girl, Opinion Columnist 67 Articles
That Conservative Girl is a millennial living in Southern California on a small farm in Cherry Valley. Passionate about faith, family values, and individual liberty, when she isn't bringing you the news she's listening to Merle Haggard and dreaming of Montana.