Bette Midler Calls Melania ‘FLOTITS’ & Says Trump ‘Gases’ Kids, Now She Regrets It

Actress Bette Midler decided to nickname First Lady Melania Trump “FLOTITS” as she posted a pic of the first lady from her younger modeling days, hoping to degrade her. Then, the 72-year-old Midler also weighed in on President Donald Trump, claiming he want to actually “gas” kids on the border. Well, little did Midler know that sick jokes about the First Couple don’t play well around the country. Now, she is really regretting it.

Bette Midler (left), First Lady Melania Trump (right) (Photo Credit: Gary Gershoff/WireImage/Getty, Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Bette Midler is an out of touch Hollywood elitist who thinks the biggest problem we are facing is global warming. She’s also a mean-spirited, disgusting, elderly Broadway star who is still upset her good buddy Hillary Clinton lost the election.

Just last July, Midler was starring in the one role she can still get in show business — the lead in “Hello Dolly.” And it was the highlight of the New York crowd when Hillary Clinton showed up. Midler got so giddy she posted on Twitter, “#HILLARYCLINTON CAME TO #HELLODOLLY TONIGHT!! What a thrill! The crowd stood, clapped and chanted her name until the lights went down. It made us all unbelievably happy to see her…”

The failed presidential candidate loved the adoring leftist crowd, too. Clinton tweeted, “Such a pleasure seeing @BetteMidler back where she belongs! Huge thanks to the cast and crew of @HelloDollyBway for a joyful night (I’ll never wash this cheek again)!”

Yet, when it comes to Melania Trump, Midler thinks she can treat her like crap. So much for the “women’s movement.” The Beaches star thought she would try and shame Melania Trump, but it really backfired on her. Breitbart reports, “Actress Bette Midler smeared Melania Trump Wednesday, posting an old modeling photo of the First Lady and labeling her “FLOTITS.”

“The dry cleaning bill for the upholstery on Air Force One must be insane. #FLOTITS” Bette Midler wrote in a social media post including a photo of Ms. Trump from when she was a model.

Immediately, Americans across the country let Bette Midler have it. Twitter user “Johnny Utah” posted, “Apparently fighting for women’s rights doesn’t apply to @FLOTUS because she’s not a hateful race-baiting woman like you & women on the left. If you want to see the true identity of female leftist or Hollywood just hop on their timeline & read all their hateful rhetoric towards.”

Then, another Twitter user sent Midler a tweet that pictured the Broadway star on the beach wearing a swimsuit, next to the Melania pic. And to say the picture of Bette was not very flattering, would be kind. Well, Midler started this, and now Americans are giving her a dose of her own medicine.

Midler’s post about the First Lady came just hours after she suggested that President Trump and White House officials probably “wanted to gas” asylum seekers on the border.

The aging Broadway star posted, “We hear #KirstjenNielsen pushed back on measures favored by immigration hardliners against the asylum seekers at the southern border…they probably wanted to gas them. Mildest of kudos to her for standing up to #2Steves, #Miller & #Bannon, and #Trumpkopf. Buh-bye,” she said.”

Well, Midler got busted by Twitter user “Korona41” who tweeted, “Shut-the-hell-up, Midler! Your clueless understanding of what occurs at the S. border contributes nothing, but to making life intolerable in regions of America where your worthless carcass seldom, if ever ventures.”

Can you imagine if Melania Trump was a Democrat and some famous GOP star tried to shame her? The Hollywood crowd and their cohorts in the mainstream media would go nuts attacking whoever dared to do such a thing. Isn’t that what happened to Roseanne Barr?

But, their hypocrisy, even when they called out on it never seems to phase the Hollywood crowd. Bette Midler is so ignorant that she told “red state” voters that the tax cuts aren’t really needed and they only help the top 1%. This is why celebrities backing Democratic candidates never helps them. Americans have rejected those like Bette Midler, who love to lecture us about not needing tax cuts, while they live in million dollar mansions.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 61 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.