Bill’s Sexcapades Come Back To Bite The Clintons — Investigation Looming

Bill Clinton is perhaps the most notorious sexual predator of our time, though he has never been held accountable for his alleged crimes. That could soon be changing, however. Hillary Clinton is probably freaking out because an official investigation into Bill’s many dirty deeds could be looming on the not-so-distant horizon.

A petition has been established via to have former President Bill Clinton investigated for the various sex crimes he is accused of committing.

“This petition is important because Bill Clinton continues to receive federal benefits,” the petition states. “No criminal investigation has ever been conducted into Bill Clinton’s sex crimes. We believe this warrants a federal investigation because the crimes may have occurred across state lines. We demand an investigation into the rape of Juanita Broaddrick. Additionally, these may constitute civil rights violations because women specifically were targeted.”

At this time, the petition has approximately one-third of the signatures required to receive a response from the White House. The petition began to receive a substantial amount of attention after Juanita Broaddrick shared it with her social media followers.

Here it is if you missed first post. Thanks

Posted by Juanita Broaddrick on Wednesday, October 10, 2018

In 1999, as Bill Clinton was being impeached for committing perjury about his sexual affair with a White House intern, Broaddrick came forward with accusations that Clinton had raped her in Arkansas in 1978 when he was the state’s attorney general. She claimed that Clinton repeatedly bit her lip in the rape and, as he left, told her, “You better put some ice on that.”

“It scared me to death. After the rape, after he left my room, I thought someone was going to come in to get rid of my body. That’s how I felt,” Broaddrick said. “My lip was swollen twice the size, I couldn’t even cover it up with makeup for three or four days.”

She recalled sitting on the bed, “crying and devastated, not even beginning to realize what had happened to me.” She said Clinton assured her, “‘Don’t worry. I’m sterile … I had mumps when I was a boy,'” adding, “That just made me cry even harder. I had just been raped.”

Juanita Broaddrick is calling on the FBI to launch an investigation into her longstanding allegations that former President Bill Clinton raped her in 1978 — accusing Democrats of a “double standard” for ignoring her case while demanding such a probe into allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

In an interview with Fox News on Tuesday, Broaddrick slammed Democrats for not treating her claims as seriously as those brought by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez, and Julie Swetnick — all of whom have accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault or sexual misconduct.

Despite the lapse in the statute of limitations, she told Fox News on Tuesday — and tweeted over the weekend — that she wants an investigation launched into her claims, suggesting the findings could at least be used to strip benefits for the former president. [Source: LifeZette]

“It’s not politically advantageous for them to circle around me and support me,” Broaddrick told Fox News. “These are the same people that refused to read my deposition with Ken Starr back in 1999. Not one Democrat would read it. [Sens. Chuck] Schumer, [Dianne] Feinstein, [Dick] Durbin — they completely turned their backs on me.”

Do you think it is finally time to investigate Bill Clinton? After all, it only took the 36-year-old “repressed memory” of a liberal college professor to inspire an FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh. And she didn’t have any evidence or corroborating witnesses. Meanwhile, there are mountains of evidence against Bill Clinton from multiple women.

About Christy Lee Parker, Opinion Columnist 44 Articles
Christy Parker is a Christian conservative wife, mother, writer, and business owner. After almost 20 years in healthcare, she retired from the field to pursue what she felt was her calling. With the support of her husband, Corey Barrow, founder of The Liberty Times, she successfully started her own business and a rewarding career as an Internet journalist, news commentator, and editor. She's passionate about her faith, traditional Christian values, family, and the Second Amendment. Please take a look at some of her other articles and follow her using the social media links below.