CA Family Utters 5-Word Prayer & Drives Into Fire, End Result Is Caught On Video

Many Californians were forced to evacuate their homes as wildfires ripped through the state. One family fleeing the flames uttered a five-word prayer as they drove straight into what appeared to be a wall of hellish fire destroying their hometown. Video footage captured the miracle that came next.

Flames engulf both sides of the road as a California family evacuates the town of Paradise. (Photo Credit: Screen Capture via The Daily Caller)

According to The Daily Caller, as fires rage on in California, jarring footage was captured of a woman and her family praying as they drove through the blaze, hoping to come out alive.

“Heavenly Father, please help us,” Brynn Chatfield prayed aloud as she and her family drove through the fire, both sides of the road engulfed in flames. “Please help us to be safe. I am thankful for Jeremy and his willingness to be brave.”

Chatfield — who was forced to evacuate her hometown of Paradise, California — posted the video on Facebook, where it has since gone viral. Thankfully, she and her family did make it out alive, writing on social media that they are currently safe.

“I feel very vulnerable posting this but I feel I should. My hometown of Paradise is on fire. My family is evacuated and safe. Not all my friends are safe. It’s very surreal. Things always work out, but the unknown is a little scary,” Chatfield wrote.

After receiving an outpouring of support, Chatfield responded by writing, “We are overwhelmed by all your heartfelt responses and prayers. There are so many wonderful people in this world. I would love to respond to each of you. We are astonished at the outpouring of love. Paradise has been destroyed. Thousands of us have lost our homes. Many have lost everything, including their lives. But, there are so many stories of heroism, bravery and service, so much good comes from bad.”

The Camp Fire has wrecked the town of Paradise, located approximately 180 miles northeast of San Francisco. It is California’s most destructive fire on record, in terms of destroyed property. The Camp Fire, along with the Woolsey Fire in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, have burned down 6,713 structures and killed at least 23 people.

Authorities have identified 14 additional bodies believed to have died from wildfires tearing through Northern California, bringing the official death toll to 23 people.

The uptick in deaths comes as President Donald Trump warns California that federal funds might dry up if the state does not reform its forest management operations. Another 110 people are presumed missing in the area as officials continue battling one of the largest wildfires in state history.

Butte County Sheriff Kory Honea told reporters Saturday that 23 people died in the fire near Paradise, a small town located about 180 miles northeast of San Francisco. Multiple fires are blazing in California while Trump pressures officials to revamp forest management operations. [Source: The Daily Caller]

Unfortunately, there is no indication that the fires will subside anytime soon. The Camp Fire is listed as 25 percent contained, and the Woolsey fire is listed as only 10 percent contained. Meanwhile, the death toll is expected to rise, as there are another 110 people presumed to be missing in fire-devastated areas.

The rise in California wildfires comes as President Donald Trump warned state leaders that he may withhold federal funds if they do not reform the state’s forest management. “With proper Forest Management, we can stop the devastation constantly going on in California. Get Smart!” the president wrote in a tweet Sunday morning on his return trip from Europe.

We must all continue to pray for those affected by these devastating fires. There is no doubt as to the overwhelming power of prayer in a situation such as this one. The video above serves as proof.

About That Conservative Girl, Opinion Columnist 67 Articles
That Conservative Girl is a millennial living in Southern California on a small farm in Cherry Valley. Passionate about faith, family values, and individual liberty, when she isn't bringing you the news she's listening to Merle Haggard and dreaming of Montana.