Clooney Claims Trump Says To Fear Muslims & Strong Women, Instantly Regrets It

George Clooney spoke at Variety magazine’s Power of Women luncheon held in Beverly Hills on Friday, and he immediately made it into a bash President Donald Trump speech. Clooney claims that Trump wants us to live in a “culture of fear,” which he says includes fearing women, immigrants, and Muslims. Well, Clooney was made to instantly regret his remarks, and now he looks like a fool. You’ll love this.

President Donald Trump (left), George Clooney (right) (Photo Credit: Alex Wong, Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for MPTF)

George Clooney is one of the biggest anti-Trump Hollywood leftists. And he proved he is one of the biggest fools. According to the “Ocean’s 11” star, Americans should be listening to Emma Gonzalez. You remember her. She was one of David Hogg’s sidekicks who had 15 minutes of fame after the Parkland shooting. He also felt unsafe with all the “migrants” in Europe and moved back to Trump’s America for safety. Talk about a hypocrite.

Breitbart reports, “George Clooney, who announced himself to a packed ballroom at the Beverly Wilshire Four Seasons in Beverly Hills as ‘Amal’s husband,’ quickly struck a serious tone, accusing the President Donald Trump of using fear to divide Americans.”

“Fear of Muslims. Fear of immigrants. Fear of minorities. Fear of strong women,” George Clooney began. “And because our government needs us to be afraid, the question is, are we really scared of all the things that actually make America great? And if the answer is yes, then we’ll have history to answer to. Because these are the ideas that will define us for generations.”

“After all the jokes, and insults, and reality show frenzy, what will be remembered, what will stand the test of time is holding responsible these wolves in wolves’ clothing,” Clooney continued.

“When you call an entire religion your enemy, you might very well make an enemy out of an entire religion. When you tell a whole race of people that you value them less, you can’t be surprised when they question your values,” Clooney added. “When you tell women that coming forward to testify about their abuse is a joke, don’t be shocked when they’re standing on your lawn, laughing on Nov. 7.”

In addition to criticizing the Trump administration, the actor lavished praise on anti-2nd Amendment activist and March for Our Lives leader Emma Gonzalez. “She made us listen to her heart,” he said. “A heart that believes that we as a country can be so much better. A heart that called for adults to act like adults so children don’t have to.”

Wow, so many ignorant comments by Clooney, we don’t know where to start. Why should adults listen to Emma Gonzalez for wisdom? This is yet another leftist tactic — we need to listen to the kids who will show us the way. The way to what? We all know this is pure bullcrap.

In fact, everything Clooney said is just ridiculous, and Americans let him know. Many were outraged Clooney brought up Muslims and women. John Jones tweeted, “Well Mr. Clooney, is that why your house is walled with armed guards? And you are afraid of strong women? By the way, muslims want to destroy Hollywood too! Gee! Aren’t you special?!? You should travel to Iran anonymously and visit your friends there! At their graves!”

George Clooney was trending on Twitter with pissed off Americans letting him have it. Ken Jones tweeted, “George moved from England to USA to get away from the same people; What a hypocrite! Oh Wait! He donated million dollars to SPLC who targets Christians as hate groups! He is full of hate for average American !”

There were so many people angry at Clooney’s speech and his spewing lies about President Trump that we can’t post them all. The fact he moved away from Europe because of the threat of Muslim extremists, says it all.

Americans know the truth. No one is buying what the Hollywood crowd is selling. They don’t even buy it. George Clooney will go down as one of the biggest morons who bashed President Trump while he ran back to the safety and comfort of America while knowing the president was right and he was wrong.

About Christy Lee Parker, Opinion Columnist 44 Articles
Christy Parker is a Christian conservative wife, mother, writer, and business owner. After almost 20 years in healthcare, she retired from the field to pursue what she felt was her calling. With the support of her husband, Corey Barrow, founder of The Liberty Times, she successfully started her own business and a rewarding career as an Internet journalist, news commentator, and editor. She's passionate about her faith, traditional Christian values, family, and the Second Amendment. Please take a look at some of her other articles and follow her using the social media links below.