Democrat Darling Argues ‘Creating Laws’ On Female Genital Mutilation Not Needed

Ilhan Omar, the newly-elected U.S. representative from Minnesota’s 5th congressional district, has been embraced by the Democrats as one of their new rock stars. Omar supports getting rid of the Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE), calls Israel “evil” and an “apartheid” nation, and now has been caught arguing against “creating laws” on Female Genital Mutilation (FMG). Omar gives one shocking reason she thinks FMG shouldn’t be a felony. Don’t miss this.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (Photo Credit: KEREM YUCEL/AFP/Getty Images)

The mainstream media, along with their cohorts in the Democratic Party, have been busy heaping praise on Ilhan Omar. The new U.S. congresswoman came on the scene in 2017, when she won a seat in the Minnesota House. Instantly, she was making the rounds on Jimmy Kimmel and other late night shows as the new darling of the Democrats.

Breitbart reports, “Omar is being celebrated as one of the first two Muslim women elected to Congress, and a member of a new cohort of young, ‘progressive’ and ‘diverse’ representatives who purportedly represent the future of the Democratic Party.”

And, Omar loves her newfound fame. Even People Magazine is promoting her causes in an article titled: New Muslim Congresswoman Fighting to Lift Ban on Head Coverings in the House.

“Ilhan Omar is making history as one of America’s first Muslim women in Congress — and now she’s poised to change history, too,” People Magazine reported. “The Democratic representative from Minnesota announced on Instagram Sunday night that she’s working on an initiative to overturn a 181-year rule banning House members from wearing hats, which could also inhibit Omar from wearing a headscarf for religious reasons.”

It all seems wonderful, doesn’t it? Anyone who calls into question Ilhan Omar for any reason is labeled a racist, xenophobe, or bigot. Yet, Omar has issues in her past that the leftist media has been covering up.

Back in 2012, long before the new darling of the Democrats had any idea she would be a sitting U.S. Congresswoman, she tweeted, “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel. #Gaza #Palestine #Israel.”

When a conservative journalist called Omar out on her anti-Israel sentiments during her 2018 campaign, she doubled down on her hatred of Israel, taking it up a notch by labeling Israel an “apartheid regime.”

“In May of this year, Alpha News columnist John Gilmore uncovered a 2012 tweet from Omar in which she declared Israel had ‘hypnotized’ the world and prayed Allah would help the world see the ‘evil doings of Israel,'” reported Alpha News.

Omar responded to Gilmore on Twitter, calling him a “hateful, sad man” and continued her attack on the “Israeli apartheid regime.” In another reply, Omar mocked those who interpreted her tweets as anti-Semitic. The 36-year-old Somali immigrant’s tactic is to dismiss outright her anti-Israel comments, and the mainstream media is happy to let her get away with it. But, there’s more.

Female Genital Mutilation is a very real problem in Michigan and Minnesota, where there are large Muslim populations. Back in 2017, the Minnesota State House brought a bill devised to make it “a felony for parents to subject their daughters to the procedure and calls for loss of custody and prison terms from five to 20 years, depending on the extent of the injuries,” as well as “increas[ing] penalties for those who perform the procedure,” the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reported.

Even though Omar reluctantly admitted FGM was “heinous,” she really didn’t see any reason for “creating new laws.” Omar claimed that FGM should not be singled out by a new law and that parents should be charged under existing laws, reported Breitbart.

She was quoted in the local news as arguing, “I don’t want us to create laws because we want to get into the media and because we want a flashy headline.” She also reportedly opposed removing victims from their parents’ custody, according to Alpha News.

So, let’s get this straight. Ilhan Omar, the new Democrat darling, claims creating laws against Female Genital Mutilation is just media hype by those wanting flashy headlines? In fact, Omar made that ridiculous statement right after hearing the testimony of Farhio Kalif from Minneapolis.

“As a little girl, I remember it happened to me. It is something that all Somali girls have to go through. I was seven or nine…My mother and the elders grabbed me when I was asleep. My legs and arms were tied each side and I was blind-sided. It was painful. I woke up and there was blood all over. I remember seeing an elder holding my clitoris and dangled it saying, ‘now you see it,'” Farhio Kalif related to those at the Minnesota hearing, including Ilhan Omar.

Now, how is it that Ilhan Omar got elected as a Representative to the United States Congress? It boggles the mind. The leftist media and the Democratic Party have alliances with radicalized Muslims, and everyone knows it. From Linda Sarsour to Keith Ellison, who both have supported Louis Farrakhan, and now, Ilhan Omar, the Democrats will align with anyone to gain power — but at what cost to America?

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 61 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.