Liberal Activists Attack Kid Rock For Federal Election Violations, End Up Humiliated

A liberal activists group thought it would be a good idea to file a complaint with the Federal Election Commission after they believed that Kid Rock committed a federal elections violation. The decision has been made in this case, and these liberals ended up looking foolish.

President Donald Trump and Kid Rock (Photo Credit: Time/YouTube)

Last year, Kid Rock launched a fake political campaign like so many fictional characters and corporate mascots have done. Because Kid Rock is conservative, in the Donald Trump vein, a lefty organization filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission alleging campaign fraud.

He never actually filed to run for office or fundraised for it, but liberals are compelled to attack the right at all times and love wasting resources on their infantile temper tantrums. It’s been a grueling investigation, but the government has decided that it’s okay to run a fictional campaign, even if you’re Kid Rock.

In the summer of 2017, Kid Rock launched a bogus Senate campaign to oppose Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI). Technically, he never really came out and said that he was running for Senate, but he did hint at it during his live performances. He also sold “Kid Rock for US Senate” merchandise, though the profits did not go into any kind of a campaign fund. He mock-ran on a Trumpian platform of making NFL players stand for the National Anthem and holding “deadbeat dads” accountable.

After a few months of this fake Senate campaign, Kid Rock fessed up to Howard Stern that he wasn’t actually running, as reported by The Detroit Free Press.

“F— no, I’m not running for Senate. Are you kidding me? Who couldn’t figure that out? I’m releasing a new album. I’m going on tour too. Are you f—ing sh–ing me?” Rock said.

The entire thing was basically to promote his album “Sweet Southern Sugar” and was a big joke. There was, however, an answer to his question about who couldn’t figure out his campaign wasn’t real.

A group named Common Cause didn’t get the joke, so they filed a complaint with the FEC. Common Cause touts themselves as a non-partisan group, but all they do is support leftist garbage. In the complaint, they alleged that Kid Rock had broken the law by failing to properly register as a candidate and for failing to report campaign contributions that he never received.

For some reason, the FEC took this complaint seriously enough to investigate. The results of that investigation are in, and Kid Rock, whose real name is Robert Ritchie, has been cleared of all charges. The FEC voted 3-1 to dismiss the complaint, which they explained in a report:

Ritchie — who respondents credibly argue is barred from being identified as “Kid Rock” on a Michigan election ballot — does not appear to have taken even the most basic steps to become a candidate. There is no evidence that Ritchie ever established a committee or campaign account, sought ballot access, hired a campaign staff or political consultants, sought to participate in a candidate debate, opened a campaign office, or solicited contributions for a campaign. Nor does the record show that Ritchie made statements indicating he was a candidate under his legal name.

They hilariously added that “further pursuing this matter would have been an unwise use of Commission resources.”

Nobody wastes resources like liberals. Common Cause didn’t file this complaint because they were genuinely concerned with campaign fraud, they were trying to land an indirect blow on President Trump by going after Kid Rock. The truth of the matter is, fictional personas run for office all the time as a promotional tool. Fred Flintstone, Charley Brown, and Yogi Bear have all run for President. So too has The Fonz, Archie Bunker, and Mr. Clean.

In 2008, both Barbie and Captain Morgan ran for president, and for some strange reason, Common Cause never filed an FEC complaint. They also never filed one for Barack Obama who actually did violate campaign finance laws in 2008 by failing to report over a million dollars in contributions. If it had been “Right-Wing Barbie” running for prez, it’s a guarantee that Common Cause would have been crying to the FEC, but “Michelle Obama Barbie” can break all the campaign laws she wants.

About Brian Anderson, Opinion Columnist 30 Articles
Brian Anderson is the author of horror novels Man-Made Monsters and Cryptic Creatures and has written for some major Hollywood studios. He is a family man, musician, muscle car enthusiast, and supporter of the 2nd Amendment.