Michael Avenatti Arrested For Beating Woman & Democrats Compare Him To Kavanaugh

Micheal Avenatti was arrested in Los Angeles after he allegedly beat a woman badly in her face, and he has been charged with felony domestic violence, which can land him in prison. Reports state that he was running after the woman and screaming, “She hit me first!” The creepy porn lawyer is claiming that it’s all bogus and that he did nothing wrong, and the Democrats are comparing him to Brett Kavanaugh in a sick way. Don’t miss this.

Michael Avenatti (Photo Credit: Mark Ralston/AFP/Getty Images)

Micheal Avenatti, who became infamous representing porn star Stormy Daniels and for making the most ridiculous outlandish claims, has been arrested for beating a woman who it appears he was having a relationship with.

“We’re told her face was ‘swollen and bruised’ with ‘red marks’ on both cheeks. Witnesses who observed her say she never took her sunglasses off,” reported TMZ. Apparently, there were two altercations between Avenatti and this woman.

Witnesses claim the alleged incident occurred Tuesday night, but there was another confrontation Wednesday between the two at an exclusive apartment building in the Century City area of L.A.

The creepy porn lawyer’s ex-wife, Lisa Storie, described him in their divorce papers as “hot-tempered,” and “emotionally abusive.” According to the Daily Mail’s report on their divorce, it seems like Storie has been in fear of Avenatti for some time, which just gives more credence to this arrest.

During Wednesday’s confrontation, the woman reportedly ran out of the apartment building and was on the sidewalk on her cellphone with sunglasses covering her eyes, sobbing and screaming on the phone, “I can’t believe you did this to me. I’m going to get a restraining order against you.”

According to witnesses, that’s when security brought her inside the building, took her upstairs. Michael showed up 5 minutes later and ran into the building. He screamed repeatedly, “She hit me first!” Then he started yelling, “This is bullsh*t, this is f*cking bullsh*t!”

The Los Angeles Police Department said in a tweet later on Wednesday, “We can confirm that today LAPD Detectives arrested Michael Avenatti on suspicion of domestic violence.”

Avenatti released a statement that reads, “I wish to thank the hard working men and woman of the LAPD for their professionalism they were only doing their jobs in light of the completely bogus allegations against me,” he said. “I have never been physically abusive in my life nor was I last night. Any accusations to the contrary are fabricated and meant to do harm to my reputation. I look forward to being fully exonerated.”

Wow, it’s really strange that the creepy porn lawyer did not give Brett Kavanagh the type of treatment he is now seeking. Even though Avenatti was arrested, which tells us the LAPD had sufficient evidence such as witness statements and the alleged victim’s visible injuries, Avenatti wants us to not believe the woman, but believe this is all just “completely bogus allegations” against him.

Now, the creepy porn lawyer’s Twitter feed is coming back to haunt him, like this one:

All over social media, Democrats are upset, claiming Republicans and those who supported Brett Kavanaugh should now believe Avenatti is totally innocent. They claim his situation, getting arrested, is the same as Kavanaugh’s with his accusers.

Twitter user Yvette Marie said, “Don’t even know if it is true. All of a sudden the ones who cry innocent before proven guilty have condemned him [Avenatti]. Grow up.” Wow, I don’t remember Justice Kavanaugh ever getting arrested for domestic violence. These leftist nutjobs are in meltdown mode.

Then, there’s Twitter user “Just Resist” who thinks he is pretty smart, posting, “Um.. This is crazy. Michael Avennati is innocent. This is a witch hunt. These are unfounded lies from conservative women that are looking for fame. Republicans, do you see what I did there? Should I be in charge of investigating Avenatti?”

This “Just Resist” thinks he is being snarky. Instead, he is just being stupid. LAPD Detectives just don’t hand out “felony” charges for domestic violence. That means the woman’s injuries go beyond a “misdemeanor” charge. According to an experienced Domestic Violence Detective, a felony charge means the victim “has broken bones or injuries that require hospitalization.”

Well, it will be interesting to see what CNN does. They love Micheal Avenatti and have been promoting him as a viable presidential candidate in 2020. It’s really bad news for the creepy porn lawyer’s campaign who had to cancel his events coming up in Vermont. And while it’s possible Avenatti can be found “not guilty,” there really is no probability based on the seriousness of the charges that will happen. After Avenatti put Brett Kavanaugh and his family through hell, I bet they are wondering about how the Lord works in mysterious ways.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 61 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.