Michelle Trashes How Melania Handles Being FLOTUS On Jimmy Kimmel

Michelle Obama continued promoting her new memoir on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night, and once again the topic of First Lady Melania Trump came up. That isn’t too much of a surprise since the book excerpts that were released all centered on bashing President Donald Trump. Well, Michelle and Jimmy Kimmel had a big laugh over how Melania handles being the first lady. Now, the truth is coming out, making Michelle regret it.

Michelle Obama (left), First Lady Melania Trump (right) (Photo Credit: Jake Sullivan/Getty Images, NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)

When Michelle Obama agrees to do an interview, the entire scope of what will be discussed is planned out well in advance. So when the former first lady shows up on the Jimmy Kimmel Show, the ground rules are gone over. Can Kimmel take cheap shots at the current first lady? Michelle’s handlers must have answered that it was fine.

In fact, Michelle was asked a controversial question about Melania by Robin Roberts on Good Morning America earlier this week. Roberts asked if the current first lady had ever reached out to her, Michelle answered, “No, no she hasn’t,” and raised her eyebrows.

That key question was pre-screened and was not a surprise for Michelle Obama. If Michelle wanted to stay clear of discussing the Trumps, she would simply make that clear before an interview. Remember, these networks are fans of Obama. They are all anti-Trump.

And who better than Jimmy Kimmel to make Michelle Obama out to be this great first lady, who puts Melania Trump to shame. That was the message from last night’s show. 

The Hill reports, “Former first lady Michelle Obama joked on ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Thursday that she never pushed for the firing of a presidential adviser, referring to the exit of White House aide Mira Ricardel.

“If you wanted to get someone in your husband’s administration fired, how would you do that?” Kimmel asked the first lady, to laughter from the audience. “We had wonderful people in our administration,” Obama said.

Kimmel though pressed her on whether she ever “had a situation” that was similar to Ricardel’s without mentioning the ousted adviser by name. “Not once,” Obama responded while laughing and shaking her head.

Well, not only is Michelle Obama lying about never having a situation where she ousted a White House staffer, she was notorious for it. But before we get to Michelle’s dirty deeds, let’s clear up what happened with Melania.

It’s true the first lady publicly called for the removal of Mira Ricardel, who was working under National Security Advisor John Bolton. But not only did Melania have very good reason to do it, unlike Michelle Obama, but she also did not do it behind Ricardel’s back.

The New York Times reports, “Ms. Ricardel also withheld resources from the first lady before she traveled to Ghana, Kenya, Malawi and Egypt last month. Before and during the trip, Mrs. Trump’s senior staff members operated without logistical information, readily available policy documents or basic communication as they arrived in places where security could be tight and tense, and the movements hectic.”

Now, it’s quite clear why First Lady Melania Trump decided Mira Ricardel should be removed from the president’s inner circle. But for Michelle Obama to rip Melania over that situation is really rich when you consider what happened with Michelle’s good friend Desiree Rogers.

Michelle Obama made sure her longtime friend Desiree Rogers got fired, who was the Obama’s White House social secretary. In fact, Michelle viciously stabbed Rogers behind her back for the crime of making the former first lady jealous. You see, poor Desiree outshined Michelle, so she had to go.

Desiree Rogers on the cover of Wall Street Journal Magazine (left), Desiree Rogers wearing the dress that allegedly made Michelle Obama jealous (right) (Photo Credit WSJ Magazine Screenshot, Will Ragozzino/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images)

Even leftist media outlets like Slate Magazine reported Michelle kicked Rogers out of the White House for one reason: Rogers looked like a model and could wear dresses which the “First Lady could never get away with.”

The American Thinker reported, “Desiree Rogers, the beautiful former White House Social Secretary who discovered that outshining Michelle Obama is a very, very bad idea. If Oprah was too fat to remain Michelle’s buddy, Desiree’s problem may have been being too slender.”

So, is Michelle Obama just jealous of Melania Trump? Is that why she is choosing to trash the first lady? It seems rather petty for Michelle to go after the current first lady. It really makes Ms. Obama look really shallow.

Michelle stopped attacking President Trump on this book tour and then started taking jabs at Melania. And if history tells us anything about Michelle Obama, she can’t stand to be outshined. Well, it just makes Michelle look like she is being swayed by the old green-eyed monster once again.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 61 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.