Michelle Caught In Sick ‘Money-Making’ Scheme On Tour, Fans Give Nasty Surprise

Michelle Obama launched her book tour at the United Center in Chicago. The former first lady was met on stage by her good buddy Oprah Winfrey, who proceeded to whip up the 14,000 plus packed crowd. They sat down to have a discussion about Michelle’s new memoir, and that’s when things went all wrong. Michelle’s die-hard fans caught her in a sick money-making scheme, and they gave her a nasty surprise.

Michelle Obama (Photo Credit: YouTube/Screenshots)

As the first African-American first lady, Michelle Obama was immediately labeled as an icon. For eight years, she enjoyed the adoring mainstream media who acted as her unofficial PR machine. The Obamas were hailed as a couple who came from nothing and worked hard to reach the highest level of power in Washington, D.C.

The Obamas joint message to the American people was aspiring to be wealthy is a selfish goal, and America was a sick selfish nation that needed to be “transformed.” They preached Americans should “spread the wealth around.” 

Michelle claimed that she was not interested in making money. Her husband Barack Obama said, “I do think, at a certain point, you’ve made enough money.” In fact, during the 2012 presidential race running against millionaire Mitt Romney, Michelle said, “Success isn’t about how much money you make, it’s about the difference you make in people’s lives.”

Which brings us to yesterday’s big event. Michelle’s money-making scheme was exposed. Journalist Maureen Callahan, who admits she didn’t vote for Donald Trump, didn’t want to think Michelle Obama had become as greedy as Hillary Clinton. But she was shocked and became disgusted when she attempted to get tickets to Michelle’s event in Chicago.

“A sliver of the 20,000 seats available for the Chicago event were priced at $29.50, and those sold out within five minutes of going on sale in September. What remained were tickets ranging from $500 to $3,000,” wrote Callahan via the New York Post.

She went on, “The cheapest ticket I could find, five days after the on-sale date, was for $920.81, and that came with no extras: No meet-and-greet, no signed book, no free book, no T-shirt or tote bag or even a food court coupon. Just the privilege of sitting on an uncomfortable folding chair for three hours as Michelle Obama engaged in the kind of sleazy cash grab/ego stroke normally the province of Hillary Clinton.”

Callahan also reported that new tour dates have been added in London and Paris where scalped tickets are going for a whopping $90,000 dollars a piece. But what disgusted Callahan the most was the former first lady’s utter hypocrisy as she lectured the Chicago crowd.

“Michelle told the crowd, with zero self-awareness, that one should never make decisions based on finances, quoting Barack telling her, as she mulled quitting law: ‘Money is not the all-important thing’,” Callahan wrote.

Then, there are Ms. Obama’s die-hard fans, including locals in Michelle’s hometown of Chicago who had the Obamas back since the early days of their political careers. Now, they feel betrayed. Michelle Dunster, a longtime Obama supporter and writer who even wrote a book about the former First Lady, is throwing Michelle under the bus.

“I think there’s a disconnect,” Duster told CBS News in Chicago. “What [the Obamas] stand for, what they have stood for and worked for, and the ticket prices.” Another former Michelle backer, political consultant Delmarie Cobb, says Michelle’s fans now realize she has gone over to the dark side.

“[Her fans] have reason to be upset,” said Delmarie Cobb adding, “because I’m sure they felt that if she was going to be [doing] a book tour, it was going to be for the masses, not just for the elite.”

“How nice it might have been for the poorest of today’s Chicago, the little girls who currently live as the young Michelle Obama did, if they could have attended this event. It’s hard to believe that this thought didn’t occur to [Michelle], or anyone on her team, but she’s clearly that far gone,” concluded Maureen Callahan.

Michelle even had the audacity to stick the few young adoring fans from her magnet high school way in the back, in the cheap seats. Why weren’t these kids and so many at-risk youths in Chicago up front and center? It seems Michelle didn’t care one bit about them.

What the former first lady did care about besides fleecing her Chicago fans of their hard-earned cash was painting herself as a mix of Mother Teresa and Beyonce. The crowd sat for a full hour as “female hero anthems” were blasted — Katy Perry’s “Roar,” Alicia Keys’ “Girl on Fire,” Kelly Clarkson’s “Stronger”—depicting Michelle Obama as the savior of American women, the epitome of what every woman should strive to be, with testimonials from students, veterans, teachers, celebrities, late-night hosts, even her own daughters.

By far this was a grotesque self-serving rock concert, the only thing missing was Michelle singing in tight-fitting sequined gowns. So, let’s be clear: those of us who are conservatives have no problem with people making a buck. Isn’t that part of the American dream?

But what Michelle Obama’s message has been, and what her husband’s policies did, was to make Americans feel like selfish greedy creatures if we didn’t agree with their plan to transform America into this socialistic utopia. The Obamas wanted to spread Americans wealth around, but now when it comes to their money-making schemes, that doesn’t apply anymore.

Michelle is selling herself as this feminist saint uncorrupted by money, when the truth is this book tour must be making the biggest grifters, Bill and Hillary Clinton, jealous as hell. While Barack promised to transform the country, the real transformation is Michelle Obama into a big money-grubbing monster, as many of her most loyal fans now see.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 61 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.