Michelle Tells Oprah She Sobbed For 30 Mins After Trump Inaugurated

Michelle Obama officially launched her book tour in her home city of Chicago, where over 14,000 people paid the expensive fee for seats to hear the former first lady talk to Oprah Winfrey. Michelle turned her book tour into a money-making scheme, cashing in on not only the book sales but also on these appearances. She told the crowd that she sobbed for 30 minutes after President Donald Trump’s inauguration, but Michelle received a reaction that made her regret saying it.

Oprah Winfrey (left), Michelle Obama (right) (Photo Credit: NBC Chicago/Screenshot)

Michelle Obama and her handlers have planned the launch of her memoir to a T. It’s all about making a ton of money, and besides giving interviews, the former first lady just launched a multi-city tour, booking big venues where the public can pay to see her.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Obama was appearing before 14,000 fans in Chicago, “which felt part talk show, part political rally and part rock concert, complete with $35 Michele Obama T-shirts emblazoned with her face and the title of her just-released memoir, Becoming.”

In the lead up to this Chicago appearance, Michelle released excerpts of the memoir, and that didn’t go over so well. You see, the main subject of the excerpts she chose to release was President Donald Trump, and Michelle trashed the president in an unprecedented way.

Usually, past presidents and first ladies stay clear of publicly criticizing their successors. So, when Michelle claims in the memoir that Trump endangered her family and that she will never forgive him for it, conservative pundits and Trump supporters across the country exposed Michelle for “cashing in” on another “Trump-hating book.”

The 54-year-old former first lady used the race card, saying the president “deliberately meant to stir up the wingnuts and kooks,” when he spoke about the Obama Birther controversy years ago. “Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, was putting my family’s safety at risk. And, for this I’d never forgive him,” said Obama.

Well, Michelle Obama must have gotten the message loud and clear that the majority of Americans aren’t happy with her bashing the president in public. We know this because she changed her tune. The Hollywood Reporter claims that, in Chicago, Michelle “didn’t criticize Trump directly at the event despite direct criticism of him in her book.”

But, she did cry like a baby after Trump got inaugurated. Michelle told Oprah that she was crying on the plane leaving Washington on Inauguration Day 2017, then she made sure to tell the crowd that it had nothing to do with Trump.

When I got on the plane, I sobbed for 30 minutes,” she said. “I think it was just the release of eight years trying to do everything perfectly.” Michelle turned to her husband, who had just become a former president. “I said to Barack, ‘That was so hard, what we just did. That was so hard.'” She said that she didn’t mention that episode in her book.

Well, many Americans aren’t buying Michelle’s account of her big cry on the plane leaving Washington, D.C. She had just spent the last few hours turning over the White House to a man whom she despises. She had to go to the inauguration knowing Trump had vowed to undo Barack Obama’s policies. Last but not least, Michelle was giving up all that power and the biggest spotlight in the world.

Patty Sheffer weighed in, tweeting, “Can’t even stand the sound of her voice. She’s so full of herself. No other First Lady has written a book and trashed a current president. It says way more about her than it does Trump.”

Then, “Maga Joe” let Michelle know that he knows why she was crying, posting, “This was why she was crying: President & Michelle’s Obama’s travel expenses cost taxpayers more than $96 million during his time in office, according to a report from the Judicial Watch. (She cried thinking about no more sugar daddy taxpayer free trips).”

There were hundreds of responses on social media discussing Michelle’s breakdown and cry-fest after President Trump’s inauguration. Most Americans are disgusted with the entire debacle of this memoir and the constant trashing of President Trump by the Obama camp.

Can any of the enemies of President Trump do anything without mentioning his name? Why can’t they just get on with their lives? Americans are sick and tired of it. And, that’s why Michelle Obama regretted that she came out guns a blazing, trashing Trump, and then, she had to stop, as it backfired on her. Let’s hope she continues to just talk about herself and stop bashing the one man who is making America great again.

About Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist 61 Articles
Rebecca Diserio is a conservative writer and speaker who has been featured in numerous high profile publications. She's a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Lakewood, CA and worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse at USC Medical Center. A former Tea Party spokesman, she helped manage Star Parker’s campaign for US Congress and hosted a popular conservative radio show where she interviewed Dr. Alveda King, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin. A police widow, she resides in Southern California.