“He Is Part of the Crazies” — Dem Candidate for FL Gov. Outed by His Own Staffer

James O’Keefe, known for exposing corruption among liberals, released a new bombshell video last night. This one exposes Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, who is the Democratic candidate for Governor of Florida. His own staffer reveals the ugly truth about his agenda. He’s far worse than anyone thinks. Every Florida resident must see this.

Andrew Gillum has been exposed by his own staffers. (Photo Credit: Screenshot/YouTube, Screenshot/YouTube)

As mayor of Tallahassee, Democrat Andrew Gillum racked up an impressive history of corruption. Most recently, he’s been exposed for using tax dollars to fund private round-trip flight on a developer’s plane to meet campaign donors, according to Fox News.

On top of that, he’s an open “Democratic Socialist.” The extreme liberal wants “Medicare for All,” a program that is known to cost trillions. His plans will most certainly bankrupt a prosperous state.

But the liberal media have been treating him with kid gloves. The Democrat has been making big promises to Florida residents, especially workers. He claims to want to help those in need, especially those struggling for work.

I guess he hasn’t mentioned his plan to abolish ICE and turn Florida into a sanctuary state.

Gillum is running a close race against GOP and Trump-backed Ron DeSantis. But a recent video from Project Veritas might ruin Gillum’s chances. The latest undercover video from James O’Keefe features his staffers exposing Gillum’s racist, far-left, toxic agenda.

Omar Smith, a campaign staffer for Gillum, said that if elected, “None of the programs that people are hoping for would happen” but “that’s not for [voters] to know.”

“Gillum is a Progressive,” Smith continued. “He is a part of the crazy, crazy, crazies.”

Smith repeatedly referred to white people as “crackers,” saying that Florida is a F**ked up…cracker state,” and that the campaign has “to appeal to white guilt.”

Adrian Young, who works for the Florida Democratic Party, revealed that Gillum does not support the Second Amendment and wants to push for far-left bans on common firearms and accessories. [Source: The Daily Wire]

It’s pretty chilling to see campaign staffers openly admit such things. Once upon a time, they at least pretended to care about voters’ concerns. Now, liberal candidates couldn’t be bothered. Gillum has an agenda: to turn Florida into the same toxic environment as California or New York.

He wants Florida to be anti-Second Amendment, weighed down with taxes, and crowded with illegal aliens. He’s promising the world to voters, but he has zero intentions of fulfilling any of them.

Gillum’s staffer, Omar Smith, even claims the candidate doesn’t want to fulfill his promises. His strategy has been to “whip up” poor Floridians into a “frenzy in order for them to vote.” Much like the rest of the Democratic Party, Gillum is using fear tactics and lies to win.

Cliff Eserman, who works for the Broward County Democratic Party adds that during the Democratic primary, Gillum had to campaign on values he does not really believe:

ESERMAN: “In order to win he had to be… He’s really left of center. So he was being left, not left of center… For the primary. Now [in the general] he’s going back to left of center.” [Source: Project Veritas]

What’s worse is Gillum’s intentions for Florida’s Second Amendment rights.

Dale Holeness, who is the Broward County Commissioner and also works on Gillum’s campaign, explains Gillum’s gun control views:

HOLENESS: “There ought to be at least a three-day waiting period for everybody and a full background check for everybody… And we need to- And these automatic guns with sixteen rounds a minute, they ought to not be on the streets either, so that’s his plan.” [Source: Project Veritas]

It’s clear that Gillum wants to force far-left policies onto the state of Florida and is willing to lie to make it into office. He is a dangerous leftist who does not care about the will of the people. He certainly must not win the election.

SHARE this urgent story to everyone you know. Patriots must flood the polls to ensure Gillum does not become governor.