
NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Has ‘Socialistic Impulse’ To Impose Communist Rule

Bill de Blasio once killed a groundhog. As horrifying as that is, it turned out to be his most redeeming quality. The “progressive” mayor of New York City is a socialist megalomaniac who wants the government, led by him, to seize control of all private property and dictate what people are allowed to earn. In addition, he yearns for a powerful government that manages every aspect of people’s lives. […]


Gun Control Is A Joke: Crazy South Korean Passed 7 Background Checks No Problem

A major problem with gun control is that these laws only target law-abiding citizens and not the actual scumbags who are committing the crimes, which defeats the stated purpose of reducing crime. A secondary problem is that gun control laws don’t actually work to stop anyone from getting a hold of a firearm. This story serves as a perfect example of the failures of gun control. […]


Jim Acosta Whines & Gets Press Pass Back, Sarah Sanders Releases A Statement

CNN’s chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta got his “hard pass” access to the White House revoked. A federal lawsuit was filed to reinstate the press credentials of the grandstanding pseudo-journalist, and a judge has ruled that the White House must immediately restore his press pass. However, Sarah Sanders had a few things to say about the ruling, and Jim might think twice before he enters the White House. […]