
During Senate Recess, Judiciary Committee Infuriates Dems With Unprecedented Move

Just after Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation, Democrats agreed to confirm 15 federal judicial nominees in exchange for Mitch McConnell putting the Senate in recess so that vulnerable Senate Democrats could return home to campaign. But now, the Senate Judiciary Committee has made an unprecedented move during that recess, infuriating the Democrats who agreed to it in the first place. […]


Racist Dems Protest Moment Of Silence For Synagogue Victims, Regret It In Seconds

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) held a rally in Tennessee over the weekend, where several racist Democrats decided to protest a moment of silence for the victims of Saturday’s synagogue shooting. However, the rude liberals regretted their incendiary move within seconds. If they thought they were going to get away with such a vile act, they were very, very wrong. […]


After NBC Fires Megyn Kelly, ‘Blackface’ Scandal Hits Liberal Host Of ‘The View’

Last week, Megyn Kelly was fired from her NBC morning show for defending the use of “blackface” as a Halloween costume. Now, an old episode of “The View” has been uncovered in which one of the more notorious co-hosts suffers her own blackface scandal. This one, however, was handled much differently than Kelly’s instance. […]


California Farmers Fed-Up With Democrats, Erect Billboard To Send Bold Message

California may have earned itself a reputation as one of the most liberal states in the nation, but there are millions of hard-working conservatives who live there, particularly in the various agricultural communities. When farmers got fed-up with the Democrat politicians running their state, they bought a billboard to show just where their allegiance lies. Rest assured, most people never thought they would see these images on a sign in California. […]