
Obama-Appointed Judge Blocks Trump’s Asylum Ban, Ugliness Erupts At The Border

If President Donald Trump does anything, a liberal activist judge will put a halt to it. In response to the migrant caravan heading for our gates, President Trump clarified that people entering the United States illegally will not be allowed to apply for asylum. An Obama appointed judge in San Francisco has temporarily barred the administration from denying asylum claims from people who sneak into our country. Now, things are getting ugly at the border. […]


NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Has ‘Socialistic Impulse’ To Impose Communist Rule

Bill de Blasio once killed a groundhog. As horrifying as that is, it turned out to be his most redeeming quality. The “progressive” mayor of New York City is a socialist megalomaniac who wants the government, led by him, to seize control of all private property and dictate what people are allowed to earn. In addition, he yearns for a powerful government that manages every aspect of people’s lives. […]


Gun Control Is A Joke: Crazy South Korean Passed 7 Background Checks No Problem

A major problem with gun control is that these laws only target law-abiding citizens and not the actual scumbags who are committing the crimes, which defeats the stated purpose of reducing crime. A secondary problem is that gun control laws don’t actually work to stop anyone from getting a hold of a firearm. This story serves as a perfect example of the failures of gun control. […]