
Trump Was Right Again! — Two Bad Hombres Found in Migrant Caravan

President Donald Trump warned Americans that the caravans heading for our border were hiding dangerous criminals. Immediately, pro-caravan liberals scoffed at the notion. However, as the caravans continue to move toward our border, we are discovering some alarming things. Authorities in Mexico apprehended and deported two of these migrants. You won’t believe what they were guilty of doing. […]


VIDEO: TV Stars Beg Kids to Vote While Blaming Trump for What Obama Did

Once again, we are seeing entitled, high-paid celebrities lecturing Americans. With the midterms coming up, talk show hosts and TV actors are demanding that people go out and vote, for Democrats. They condemn conservatives and President Donald Trump, accusing him of one vile act. But they conveniently leave out the fact that the real crime was committed by Barack Obama. […]